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WTF Does Tebow Know St. Patrick’s Day Passed?

March 27, 2012

I get team spirit and everything but put your new jersey (get that?  New Jersey, where the Jets play?) over your suit like a normal guy, don’t wear green.  And the above picture was color adjusted cause on TV it all looked a lot greener.    He should have just wore this green suit

Or his Snuffy the Plane costume

From → WTF

  1. Romo permalink

    I don’t like Elbow 😛 (get over it people)!

  2. Romo permalink

    Cough, Tiger Woods won, cough. It’s like a golf miracle, right?
    Happy Easter

  3. lizzie/stevie permalink

    Tiger will always have that stink about him no matter how well he plays. I look at him like our Kim(light HW)…too much pressure at too young of an age….That is Tebow too…you can only take that routine so much in the locker room before it gets tiring. Wow tiger, tebow and a housewife all in the same post. Now that is different.

  4. friendlyneighborhoodrobin permalink

    As a diehard, devoted, long-term (40 years) fan of the Jets, it’s better to have a backup QB like Tebow than the other guy who was older than dirt in QB years. I personally don’t give a crap that he loves Jesus so much (funny how Christians worship a Jewish dude); the only thing I care is that he intergrates well with the team on the field, doesn’t throw stinkers or blow plays. Time (training camp, practice and pre-season) will tell.

    I’m a Jets fan. Therefore I’m used to not getting my hopes up! “There’s always next year” has practically pervaded all my failures! 🙂

    • I feel your pain. I’m a Bears fan – where good quarterbacks go to die. And not so good quarterbacks go to get worse.

      • friendlyneighborhoodrobin permalink

        Thank you so much! OMG, your Bears comment is making me laugh so hard! ha ha!

        Why can I easily imagine Jim McMahon reading your comment and stamping his foot like a petulant, whiny child?

      • Yeah, stamp his foot and sprain his ankle. That guy was injured more than he was healthy. He’s just lucky he had a defense that could outscore the offense.
        But case in point: Jay Cutler. Though in fairness, he’s engaged to that chick from the Hills and I think that’s the real cause of his problems.

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